info [at] thurisol [dot] com
+256 775 752728
info [at] thurisol [dot] com +256 775 752728

Thurisol Inter Tech Ltd.
Plot No.125, Mutesa II Road
P.O.Box 394, Ntinda

Phone: +256 775 752728
Email: info[at]thurisol[dot]com

Thurisol Inter Tech Ltd.

Plot No.125, Mutesa II Road

P.O.Box 394, Ntinda


Phone: +256 775 752728

Email: info[at]thurisol[dot]com



Our cli­ents are pro­vi­ded with the best ex­cep­tio­nal en­gi­nee­ring ser­vices. We send only very skil­led en­gi­neers and do re­cruit high­ly pro­fes­sio­nal em­ployees. All they are mo­ti­va­ted by their mis­si­on to challenge new ter­ri­to­ries and de­li­ver qua­li­ty on every site.


A high qua­li­ty de­gree is our own daily mea­su­re to de­li­ver best pos­si­ble con­struc­tion work. We do be­lie­ve that a high qua­li­ty ser­vice is the key to suc­cess for all par­ti­ci­pants in process. You can rely on us.


Safe­ty goes first. One brick in our top qua­li­ty de­gree phi­lo­so­phy is the safe­ty of our en­gi­neers and em­ployees. So trai­ning and a clean daily work plan­ning will pre­vent ac­ci­dents and avoid in­qui­ries.

Thurisol Inter Tech Ltd.

Construction and Assembly of Pipelines and Systems worldwide

The company Thurisol Inter Tech Ltd. is a nationally active company. A high degree of professionalism and technical expertise combine to make us one of the leading contractors at the fore front of the industry.

The focus of our company is on pipeline construction, plant construction, boiler systems and energy plants, namely their assembly, installation, dismantling, repair and maintenance.

We are certified to: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS-18001.

Thurisol Inter Tech Ltd. is at present in the business of procuring orders and tendering for projects involving decommissioning, inspections, and conversion work on refineries, power stations and chemical plants or to lease staff for your own projects. Our employees are certified according to OHSAS-18001 have undergone all necessary medical examinations conducted by a Company Medical Officer.

We do have employees who are experienced in the fields of decommissioning, inspections and maintenance of acid and toxic systems.

Pipeline construction and assembly

We carry out maintenance work and inspections of refineries, power stations, chemical plants or help the customer to plan the various activities. You can rest assured in the knowledge that we only use highly qualified personal, the very best in construction equipment, as well as in personal protective equipment.

Our company carries out any kind of welding service and maintenance work for power plants, chemical industry as well as oil and gas industry.

We do also manufacture boiler and tanks. In our production facility, which covers some 5000 m², we assemble and weld pipes, pipe fittings, heat exchangers, boiler systems, thermal oil systems and metal constructions for our customers. Furthermore the complete production of our plants for petrochemical industry is carried out in our workshop in Uganda.

Steelwork and steel construction

Thurisol Inter Tech Ltd. is also specialized in the field of steel constructions. Namely we are specialized in the following fields:

  • Manufacturing and installing of steel constructions
  • Industrial constructions
  • Conversion work
  • Production of guard rails / balconies in steel or stainless steel
  • Production of staircases in steel or stainless steel
  • Special constructions acc. to client specifications
  • Steel reconstructions

Worldwide working our business

Supply of temporary workers

Thurisol Inter Tech Ltd. is an experienced and renowned provider of temporary workers for the industrial sector.

We do lease highly qualified and trained staff for pipeline and plant construction.

All our employees do have necessary and valid certificates for carrying out professional work. Our team comprises of skilled and highly qualified employees who are specialized in the following areas: power plants, chemical industry, oil and gas industry.

Our experienced welders are trained according to EN 287-1 and ASME section and they have valid training certificates and approvals.

Our range of highly trained staff comprises:

  • Pipe welders acc. to EN 287: 141 / 111/ 135 for material specification 5 / 6 / 8
  • ASME : OFW, SMAW, GMAW, FCAW, GTAW for different alloys
  • Pipe fitters according to ISO
  • Fitter for refineries
  • Foreman
  • Supervisor
  • Welding specialist (QS, documentation, welding supervision)
  • Welding engineers
  • Process engineers
  • Electricians
  • Boiler welders


  • Revision / Shutdown
  • Installation
  • Temporary workers

We look forward to your request

Thurisol Inter Tech Ltd.

Plot No.125, Mutesa II Road
P.O.Box 394, Ntinda

Phone: +256 775 752728
Email: info[at]thurisol[dot]com